Wednesday 2 April 2014

Evaluation - Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Simran has answered this question in the form of GoAnimate animation, the videos are embeded below. She's created a profile of a typical audience member viewing my groups final film project on GoAnimate. Within the animaions the profile entails information on the target audience member's hobbies and interests as well as a little bit of psychographic information.

who would be the target audience of your product? by s_tak on GoAnimate
who would be the target audience of your product 2 by s_tak on GoAnimate

 Our film would appeal to Emma because she an interest in murder mystery/crime shows which can be similar to psychological thrillers and horror films. Also Emma is a teenage girl with a clear liking for horror films and so she would probably look forward to watching my groups film 'The Perpetrator' in cinemas. Furthermore 'The Perpetrator' is similar and in the same genre of some of her favourite films so our film would easily appeal to her. It can be noted that my group's target audience questionnaire results have also made it clear that a girl like Emma is our ideal audience.

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