Tuesday 29 October 2013

Match On Action

Match on action is a media technique used to make the sequence flow and create continuity. It is when the perspective of the camera changes during the shot, however it must keep the shot flowing smoothly. Match on action helps to create realistic movement. As a class we were shown this example of match on action so we could understand it properly. When Monica and Chandler kiss the camera angle changes, but the way it is edited means that its continuity has not been effected:

Next, I had to film my own example of match on action. It is a sequence of someone walking up the stairs, first from the bottom of the stairs, but then the angle changes to the top of the stairs. Before filming we had to think about the position of the camera and that while filming the camera is not visible in the film. We also had to take into account the lighting and the miss-en-scene in the shot.

The simplest part of the activity was the actual scenario of walking up the stairs and the positioning of the camera. As the movement wasn't hard to do the task was quite easy and simple, and the bend in the stairs made it simple to keep the camera out of sight. Also editing it to make it realistic and continuous. It was difficult to cute the scene so that the continuity was accurate as it had to be precise to the number of steps taken. 

During both the filming and editing of the preliminary task, I have learnt techniques that will help me in the actual product. Match on action has been effective in terms of keeping continuity and making the film realistic.

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