Tuesday 5 November 2013

Preliminary Task

This storyboard shows the shots and dialogue of what I plan to do for my preliminary task to trial some of the techniques and to see. This was created by my group member, Beth. She used an online storyboard maker tool, and this allows us to visualise what our film would look like. 

(Character A walks into the room through the door. Character B is sitting at a table alone)
Character B: Hey! You alright?
Character A: Hey, yeah. Why didn't you come to my party last week?
Character B: Nobody invited me. I thought it was weird you didn't invite me but, I didn't want to say anything. 
Character A: Oh sorry, I thought you knew.
Character B: That's okay. I'll come to the next one.
Character A: Yeah, I've got to go now, so bye.
Character B: Alright, see you later.

Below is a video of my preliminary task, where shot reverse shot, the 180 degree rule and match on action are all used. Beth and Simran did the filming whereas I did the editing. 

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