Tuesday 4 February 2014

Film Ident Research

In today's lesson I learnt that an ident is what is used by production companies to identify that they are part of the production of a film or TV programme. Sometimes idents allow and insight to the film genre or the storyline and set the mood for the media text about to be shown. An ident is usually about 20 seconds long.

There are two idents that Liongate have used in the openings of films they produce. Lionsgate is a leading horror film company, and looking at their idents may help me to gain ideas when creating my own horror ident for my final project.

The video above is Lionsgate's most recent film ident and it lasts 22 seconds long. At the start of the ident clogs and gears are denoted and they are the main focus of the shot. The camera pans around the gears denoting the gears all moving together and then the camera zooms our. The camera appears to move further awway from the gears and continues to zoom out. The clogs are then shown moving through a key hole in a door, the camera continues to reverse zoom and then two majestic doors are thrown open, in which the word 'LIONSGATE' shows up.

The gears and clogs in the ident connote complexity of the films they make. They could aim to be opening up the audience's imaginations with the vision of the doors opening. The ident is very dreamy, which also connotes that they could be opening up the audience's imaginations.

Lionsgate Alternative Ident  m

This is an alternative Lionsgate ident I've found online that is commonly used in Lionsgates horror films. The ident starts off the same as the original Lionsgate ident denoting gears moving on screen with panning and the reverse zoom with the camera moving backwards. However, the colour scheme is this ident differs from the original unlike the original dark red hue colours are used. The clogs are broze and rusty looking instead of looking metallic and clean like the original. The background colours are also much darker in this ident with orange, brown and red hues. The doors in this opening are also very dark and they dont have the prestigious lavish look which is denoted in the original ident. Unlike the original ident the clouds-cape is coloured red and dark brown and the text in the center of the screen is dark grey. At the end of this ident the clouds-cape's dark red colours glow to a bright red with the text remaining in the center of the screen.

The second set of idents I've chosen to look at are by DreamWorks entertainment, I've chosen to look at this company as I feel that they are well known for creating alternative idents to relate to story lines and themes explored for each film they create. I could draw inspirtation from this and create unique alternative ident which clearly denotes the themes that my final project will include. I'm looking at two of DreamWorks idents because DreamWorks is a company that creates various alternative idents for each of their films in relation to their storylines. For example the Shrek movies have their own alternative idents under DreamWorks. I think an ident should relate to a films narrative and therefore it could be interesting to look at some of DreamWorks idents, as they can inspire and influence how I create my own ident for my final project.

- 28 seconds long.
- Young boy sitting on the moon fishing in the sky.
- 'Dreamsworks' pans on screen.
- Connotes imagination.
-Blue and white colour scheme.

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