Monday 10 February 2014

Idents created for the final project.

As a group we put together the storyboards of the ident that we wanted to create: 

 We decided it would be more conventional to have two idents in our film opening, because from the examples we looked at, all of them had two. We used the programme Final Cut Pro to make the idents. The first one is very generic, showing that they produce all sorts of films, and the other one is for films that produces only horror films. 

Ident 1. 
This ident is the generic one, that represents a large film company. From the cloud inspiratinon in the DreamWorks ident, we have used clouds in our own ident. This also shows that our ident is well rounded and creates a variety of films.

Ident 2:
This ident represents a small production company that only creates horror films. Therefore, we chose a black and red colour scheme. A red mist of blood was downloaded from a Royalty free website and we used a thrilling soundtrack to create further suspense and tension. This was inspired by other horror production companies like 'Dimension Films' who produced films such as 'Scream'.

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